Using the Olympus fluorescent microscope to image in vitro experiment slides
This protocol explains how to: use Olympus fluorescent microscopes to image in vitro experiment slides. Protocol written by: Julie Ruble Turn on green burner power button first, and then the microscope and then the camera. Start viewing in fluorescence (change filters using the filter wheel until you reach the green filter). Begin at the corner of the slide. Use the 40X objective lens. When looking for neurons to image, scan through the slide methodically so as not to miss any: When you find a neuron, position it with the cell body in the field of vision but off to the side (so you'll be able to get more neurite in the picture and therefore take fewer pictures). NOTE: When you are not looking at or imaging the neuron, close the shutter on the right side of the microscope so as not to bleach the neuron. To take a picture, open SPOT (the program may have a shortcut on the desktop, but you may need to find it in the C folder and create one). Then, to take a flu...