2% Agar (for agar dishes)

2% Agar (for agar dishes)

2 g Agar
100 ml ddH2O

Microwave to dissolve the agar, lightly swirling the mixture periodically. Turn off the room light to see the solution better; it will boil over if not watched carefully. Stop the microwave when the solution starts to boil up in the flask and swirl gently. Be careful while swirling the solution as it may unexpectedly boil over due to the added kinetic energy. Use orange heat resistant gloves to handle the flask.

Once the solution has cooled a bit, microwave again, stopping when it boils. Repeat this several times – the more boiling, the less bubbles in your finished agar dishes. Pour the hot mixture into petri dish lids and let it set. Store the dishes in an air tight container in the fridge. Make new every two weeks.


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