Laboratory Maintenance Checklist
It is a known fact for anyone working in a laboratory be it the students, the researchers, scientists or lab assistants, it is necessary to follow safety rules and guidelines for their own safety. All laboratories have their lab safety symbols and lab safety equipments like goggles, mask, dress etc. At the same time, it is also very essential that a laboratory is well-maintained and taken care of so as to prevent any kind of dangers involved while working in a lab. As per rule, there should be routine maintenance and safety checks in a laboratory. Infact, it should be the duty of every person working in a laboratory to do a quick safety check after the completion of each experiment and before the starting of a new one. Or a responsible personnel should be assigned the duty to clean the laboratory and perform simple maintenance for lab care and safety.
Presenting below few points which should be considered for laboratory maintenance:
Presenting below few points which should be considered for laboratory maintenance:
- Bench: Clean and clear bench tops after an experiment. Keep the materials at their right location.
- Floor:Sweep lab floor after every experiment.
- Eyewash Station: Check whether the eyewash works or not.
- Emergency Shower Station: Check whether the emergency shower is working or not.
- Fire and Emergency Equipment: This is very important. The fire extinguishers, first aid kit, fire blanket should be present and in order.
- Broken Glass and Sharp Containers:When the bin is half filled with broken glasses and sharp containers, seal it, and throw it in the dsiposable area or to the dumper.
- Refrigerators & Freezers: Throw away items that are out of date but this should be done through appropriate waste streams. If there are flammables that should not be ideally kept in a refrigerator, remove them and store them in appropriate areas. Defrost if necessary. Check the schedule for defrosting.
- Flammables Refrigerator: Do not overload it. Remove excess material.
- Ultralow Freezers: Excess ice should be scrapped off. Check defrost schedule.
- Centrifuges: Wash and clean rotor, adapters and buckets. Remove rotor and check the O-rings.
- Balances: Balances should be properly cleaned, both in and out, and check the balance is level.
- pH Meter: Switch off if not in use.
- Chemical Waste & Storage: Check the chemical discard containers. If they are almost full, take them to the proper disposal area. Similarly, all chemicals should be properly stacked, labeled and correctly segregated in the storing cabinet.
- Fume Cupboard & Biosafety Cabinet: Remove items from work zone. Check the controls. Check that the unit performs satisfactorily.
- Animal Waste: The animal wastes, when not used, should be packed in double bagged in black and then stored in a yellow biohazard bag. This should be properly sealed and labeled and should be kept in appropriate storage area.
- Hand Disinfectant: Replace or refill the hand disinfectant bottle.
- Paper Towel: Make sure that the paper towel roll is at least half full. A spare roll should be kept beside the dispenser.
- Radioactive Wastes: Check the expiry date. Discard in the industrial waste.
- Water Bath: Change water in bath. Add bacterial inhibitor.
- Gas Cylinder: Return unused or empty cylinders to store.
- Media Plates and Flasks: Throw away the used plates, bottles, small containers etc. in the proper disposal area.
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