60X E3 stock

Dilute to 1X to yield zebrafish embryo rearing solution. For an embryo medium that contains antibiotics for fish that are susceptible to diseases (like transgenic and fluorescent fish), see 20X E2 stock.

60X E3 stock
(makes 2 liters)

34.4 g NaCl
1.52 g KCl
5.8 g CaCl2.2H2O
9.8 g MgSO4.7H2O
add 18 MOhm "good" double distilled water up to 2000 ml

Store in refrigerator. To dilute to 1X for rearing zebrafish, use 160 ml of stock and fill to 10 liters with ddH2O.

This solution is also called "fish juice" by Amy Becton - she will need the lab to make a 2L bottle every week or two for downstairs in fishland

more details on this recipe can be found in the Nusslein-Volhard & Dahn purple Zebrafish book page 22

It is helpful to make up about 10 containers of the salts at one time. I just put them in a plastic container with a lid and label them "60X E3 Salts." This way you don't have to worry about weighing them out when Amy needs a new bottle or when you need to make more for lab.


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