20X E2 stock

Dilute to 1X to yield zebrafish embryo rearing solution. This embryo medium contains antibiotics for fish that are susceptible to diseases (like transgenic and fluorescent fish). For the standard embryo medium without antibiotics, see 60X E3 stock.

20X E2 stock
(makes 2 liters)

35 g NaCl
1.5 g KCl
0.82 g KH2PO4
4.8 g MgSO4
0.24 Na2HPO4
2000 ml ddH2O

Autoclave (optional) and store in the refrigerator. Make the following 3 solutions. When diluting to 1X E2, combine 50 ml 20X E2, 2 ml CaCl2 solution, 2 ml of the NaHCO3 solution, and ddH2O to 1 liter. Add antibiotic diluted 1:500 in1X E2.

1. Add 14.5 g CaCl2 in 200 ml ddH2O, autoclave, and refrigerate.
2. Add 6 g NaHCO3 to 200 ml ddH2O, autoclave, and refrigerate.
3. Make a 60 mg/ml penicillin, 100 mg/ml streptomycin stock, aliquot and store at -20o C. Dilute 1:500 in 1X E2 for use.


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