Modified Barth’s Saline Operating Solution (MBS)

Modified Barth’s Saline Operating Solution (MBS)
(makes 1 liter)
100 ml 10X MBS stock
500 ul 1% phenol red (pH indicator, if needed)
10 ml pen/strep antibiotic cocktail
5 ml 4% gentamycin (1 g gentamycin sulfate in 25 ml ddH2O)
0.2 g Ethyl 3-aminobenzoate methanesulfonic acid salt (C9H11NO2*CH4SO3)
7 ml autoclaved 0.1M CaCl2 (11.1 g CaCl2 / 100 ml ddH2O)

Fill to 1000 ml with ddH2O. Adjust pH to ~7.4. Sterile filter immediately prior to use. Make fresh each week and store in refrigerator. NOTE: the anesthesia amount may need to be decreased for some tads.


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